I was born in Jacksonville, Florida in 1951. Those were the good old days. My father was a hardworking man with little education, but, he always knew how to survive! My mother was a loving, prayerful and religious person. I was about four (4) years old when my mother was praying and the anointing of the Spirit of prayer fell on me. I was never the same after that day. Later in my life I found that GOD had anointed my hands and gave me the Spirit of Prayer so that I could pray for your needs. My first conversion was at the age of ten (10). I was a member of St. John's Baptist Church. On April 16, 1968, I received the Baptism of The Holy Ghost! While sitting on a porch I heard a voice from Heaven speak to me saying, "Reuben, get up and GO TO CHURCH!" Obeying the Voice...I went to church! There were two (2) Deacons there cleaning the church. After giving my testimony to them, one of them said to me, "don't you think you should do something for the LORD?" I replied, "yes." The other Deacon said, "don't you think you should get The HOLY GHOST? I replied saying "yes." They then encouraged me to come back next Wednesday night. I returned the following Wednesday night. GOD filled me with the HOLY GHOST and FIRE that night and as HE was filling me i told the LORD that I will PREACH HIS WORD, go where HE wants me to go and say whatever HE wants me to say! A few months later I was called to the MINISTRY! My life has never been the same! I live a life of PRAYER, FASTING and hungering and thirsting after GOD so SOULS can be SAVED, HEALED, BLESSED and DELIVERED! GOD directed my SPIRIT North. HE then said "I WILL BLESS YOU WITH GREAT ABUNDANCE AND MANY WILL BE HEALED, BLESSED AND DELIVERED THROUGH YOUR MINISTRY." GOD SPOKE to me in the beginning of the year 1993 that now is the time to go forward and bring deliverance to my people!" Since then many people have Blessed and Delivered more ways than one (1)! JESUS CHRIST EVANGELISTIC WORD OF LIFE CHURCH of DELIVERANCE INCORPORATED is a WORD MINISTRY. This MINISTRY is designed to motivate, exhort and bring DELIVERANCE to the SICK, BURDENED, AFFLICTED and ALL WHO NEED a BLESSING! "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE!"
So come expecting a MIRACLE and experience the very PRESENCE of THE LORD through PRAISE and WORSHIP!
Reuben Louis Holmes
***WORD of LIFE*** Ministries, In